Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prague Day 2

Day 2 welcomed more aimless meandering and wandering from the two of us, except it was perhaps less aimless than the first day. Have I mentioned that I love how the trams look on Prague streets? They're a dash of vibrant colour against the antiqued wash of the buildings. What a romantic postcard would that make? (Please excuse my strange obsession with trams...)

a tram travelling along Revolucini

We started the day with a walk along the river. Sadly enough, I don't know what it's called...

the name wasn't listed on Google maps either...

Across the river, we visited the metronome perched on top of a... hill? It's interesting, for some Expo held in Prague some 50 years ago. The elevated location meant that you can see the skyline of Prague. Sorry for the haphazardly taken photo... I'll share another photo of I can successfully stitch a panoramic view of it.


From there, we got a little disoriented trying to find the castle, but it was only a short walk away. We were lucky enough to see another wedding (I saw on the day before at Old Town Square).

I hope I'm not violating any portrait rights... =\

We also watched the change of guards... though I think I enjoyed the one in Taipei a little more...

Due to the rain and a (slight) lack of sleep, we headed back to the hostel for a bit in the afternoon. I took a nap, my travel buddy got to work... So hardworking *sigh*. Afterwards, we finally got me an umbrella and headed to our next destination: dinner.

Cafe Louvre has a long history. It was first established in 1902, got closed down by the Communist government, then reopened in 1990s. Its guest list includes Kafka and Albert Einstein. I saw a listing for the restaurant online and decided I needed to go for Art Nouveau and Baroque art... if I'm even remembering correctly. Excuse my poor memory. Dinner was a good price (6-12 euros for the main course), and it was positively delicious. My dish was Cream on Roast Beef with cranberry target and roll dumplings. BernZ ordered Pork Tenderloin marinated in garlic and rosemary, potato dumplings filled with ham, and stewed cabbage with apple. (Like my detailed description?)
my Cream on Roast Beef

bernZ's Pork Tenderloin.

Please excuse the poor lighting in the last 2 photos, I'm much too lazy to adjust it and pretend I'm a good photographer. Last installment of the trip to come (early) next week!

By fishii with 2 comments


beautiful! (and yummy food at the end)... makes me really miss europe! lucky you get to spend so long there!!

i'm so jealous. oh guess what, i was so pissed at my printer (because it won't work anymore) that i "accidentally" smashed the scanner glass... now i have to get a new one

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