Wednesday, September 8, 2010

kyushu food

I'm back to posting about food. Recently I've been obsessing about food, what am I going to have for dinner? Oh look! A fries shop! A bakery! A chocolate store! What recipe should I try out? So today I'm going to let that keep going and post Only about food.

Hakata ramen from a store in Daimyo-ku, Fukuoka (I forgot the name...)

So I've decided that I absolutely love Hakata ramen. I've only been to one place that successfully made me thing it was mediocre, all the other ramen places just blew me away. This one had a soup base so milky it's hard not to just drink it up. Delicious gyoza too! Man... I want gyoza... the skin was so thin, the insides were so good, indescribable!

From this lunch, the bumhead of my little brother and I headed to Beppu for tons of hot spring enjoyment. But that's not the point of this post! So no talk of hot springs, onto the topic of dinner we go. We bought some sushi and okonomiyaki from a supermarket just across a park from our hotel. Luckily we just hit discount time (where they start putting a discount on all ready-made-food that hasn't been sold yet), and dinner was tres cheap =D.

So lunch the next day is going to be the last part of this post, or I'll seriously go buy a ticket and fly back to Fukuoka to eat. There's this amazingly delicious restaurant a block away from our hotel called Toyo Tsune. When I say amazing, I mean it's super famous too. The lines were insane (we got there just before lunch hour rush) and managed to get in within 10 minutes. 

toyo tsune set - even the rice looks perfectly cooked.

bumhead's ten-don. i would've ordered it too, if i wasn't coughing up a storm. the store is famous for this dish, and understandably so. The batter is light and the sauce has just enough flavour.

a look at their kitchen - this is where we sat and got served hot off the grill food.

和牛 cabbage wrap.

What is 和牛 in English anyway? That's it for today! Stay tuned for more food photos from fishii!

By fishii with 3 comments


I want food. I want food. I want food.

The tendon looks amazing!

kobe beef?

i went to beppu too... my 'everyday is hell' shirt is from there :)

i MISS you.

Tendon was amazing!

When will you go on skype? I wanna test my new headset... =(

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