Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Prague Day 3

This really shouldn't warrant its own post, but I don't remember why I didn't post it last time. Anyway, on Day 3, I got tired of the rain and we went to Karlovy Vary (well, sorta, but not really the reason...). It was about 2 hours away by bus, and I slept through most of the ride... Where was the scenery?

Karlovy Vary is a famous spa town, but I wasn't really in the mood for a spa. There's geysers shooting up and the like, steam coming out of the ground, the usual... I enjoyed wandering through the town, though it was a freezing 8 degrees celsius (in September!!!) and the rain made the weather that much more unbearable...

bernZ also decided to attack pigeons... wahahaha. (the end result turned out to be a little reversed...)

There's this cool plant... calendar thing too... I wonder how early they change the arrangement each day...

We returned to Cafe Louvre to have some desserts. I don't remember what they're called anymore... ^^;;

Anyway, the last day I woke up early to try and see the sunrise on Charles Bridge, only to be greeted with rain... so I went back to Maastricht begrudgingly to attend my boring Brand Management tutorial. Stupid class...

Such a lazy post, I must apologize... but I need to do more reading, and hopefully get to posting about Germany soon! Since I'm taking a break from serious travelling this weekend, it should be ok? Next up, Oktoberfest!

By fishii with 1 comment


Oh my... spa~~~!!!! It'll feel really good to have one in such a cold weather. Maybe you should go back there to give it a try...

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