Monday, December 20, 2010

Paris Menu

Paris and food can't really be separated, right? So I thought that requires a post on food of its own. Introducing, fish-ii's menu in Paris!

I think this was Kosher food?

Just nicely displayed buns from Tokyo Palace

Plat du jour at Tokyo Palace, couscous!

Chai tea latte (deeeeelish) and a chocolate macaroon (double deeeeelish)

Raw salmon on tartar sauce with an amazing salad on the side. The dressing had spices

Spinach soup with another delicious salad from a cute little cafe in Latin Quarters

This post seems to be filled with only photos and the word delicious in its multiple forms. I promise the next post will have a little more variety in the vocabulary. Next up, skiing in Belgium? Or I might skip that and go straight to Edinbugh.

By fishii with 2 comments


i haven't been here for a while... but school is over again... :) hmm... looks like you're having lots and lots of fun...


Kosher food??? That takes a lot of speculation and examination before serving... I'd love to try to raw salmon, though...

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