Friday, February 4, 2011

From Roma to Firenze

Alas! The last day in Roma. Regrettably, we didn't have much time as it was the day my travel buddy and I went our separate ways.

From the Spanish Steps.

Blessed with wonderful weather, we set out one last time to see a few attractions, and the view from the Spanish Steps greeted us with warm colours of the Italian architecture. Perhaps because of the weather, the attraction was very busy.

And at the bottom of the steps were a group of horse-drawn carriages. I wonder if it's a popular option for tourists.

But away from the hustle and bustle was this quiet museum (Galleria nazionale d'arte antica). Its unpretentious exterior didn't draw many tourists into its grounds that day, so it was a wonderful place to relax and slow down. The second floor opened up to a garden, it wasn't the best kept garden, but the tranquillity made up for it.

There are a number of crazy stunts that Romans pull off on the roads, and this guy was playing soccer / football in the middle of cars! As soon as the light turned red he rushed out into the middle of the road to exhibit his abilities to juggle (is it what it's called in English?) the ball. 

After grabbing a sandwich on the go, I hopped onto the train to Firenze (Florence), this time making sure I was on the right one. When I arrived, I realised I didn't really know how to get to my hostel... So I randomly went one direction, found a map, then located my destination. Next time I'll try to be a little more prepared...

Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

At this attraction, you can climb over 400 steps to overlook Florence. However, I chose the wrong set of stairs to find that there was a fence at the top of this one! Was slightly upset, but wasn't going to go down 400 steps and climb back up another 400 to where the crowds were. I'm a satisficer (don't mind the consumer behaviour language kicking in here).

Overexposed shot of the view at the top (sorry, I just slapped one of the many that I took on here)

Republica. Are they all over Italy?

Tortellacci di ricotta e spinaci ai funghi porcini

At night I visited a restaurant recommended by the receptionist at the Academic Hostel (because one of the museums nearby is called Accademia). I asked the hostess for a recommendation (luckily she spoke fluent English), and she brought me this! The tortellacci is supposed to be made fresh at the restaurant, I think, and I actually ate (almost) all the tomatoes!

Please excuse the poor image quality this time, I needed to procrastinate but don't have enough time to post properly. Next post will be better as I head into Reading Break! Hang around for Firenze part 2.

By fishii with 3 comments


Love the shot over Florence!
As for the "Ball juggling", we use a much more erm... macho term, lol:

as promised, i will leave a comment....

i think juggling is fine... but i guess there are other terms too... anyways... i shall sleep.... this is way pass my bedtime.

It'd be nice to try the horse carriage, though...

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