Water Water All Around

and not a drop to drink! My journey to Venezia was an amusing one. I had no idea the trains would be so full that I can't get tickets for the time that I needed... So how did I get there and what did I see?

Staying in A/C is Not Ideal for Travelling

Shanghai was hot, scorching hot. What is someone who melts in any sort of heat to do? Shopping, I guess.

Winter Wonderland: Whistler

Whistler does seem to have a longer "winter" than does home. If we got a foot of snow dumped on the ground the day before, we'd be stuck at home for a week. Luckily, that's not the case in Whistler.

Roma, Roma-ma

My flight to Rome from Eindhoven was cancelled courtesy of horrible weather, so I embarked on a 20 hour train ride instead. I don't regret being stubborn and spending a fortune on those train tickets, though. The Roman experience was more than worth it.

Bits of Germany 2

Germany is a large country, but Bavaria is supposed to have the most beautiful scenery of all. Schloss Neuschwanstein and Garmisch-P has more than convinced me. See for yourself!

Friday, July 30, 2010

safe and sound

without noticing it, vancouver has become more like home to me than hong kong. coming back here hit me with this strange sense of... foreign...ness (excuse my lack of language abilities).
anyway, after a 6 hour delay in my flight and an extra night in my lovely bed at home, i have made it to hong kong safe and sound. it's hot, i'm sweating like nuts, but i think i'll be able to deal with it.
not much sleep on the plane, as always, but i do love the cathay pacific entertainment system. the music, the music! there were full CDs to choose from, and not to mention it has every single one of the asian ones that i fangirl over (canto, mando, japanese, And korean). look at what i was listening to, win!

i also got to watch movies that i've been wanting to watch! makes me a very happy girl indeed.
a photo of my overly heavy luggage...

By fishii with 1 comment