Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aachen, Germany

I'm posting mostly because if I don't do it now I won't do it for a while. Course load here is as bad as SFU, except here, I'm also preoccupied with chores and travelling on top of my usual procrastination techniques. Let's see how this will turn out.

Anyway, on Saturday I visited Aachen, Germany to shop with a new church friend Sarah. She's been here for about 8 months so she knows the area well. Aachen was an hour away by one direct bus. It's a larger city and *cues drumroll* it has a Starbucks! Apparently we've both been craving it (Maastricht doesn't have one), so we made a beeline for it.

Aachen's theatre (for classics, presumably).

We started by visiting a cathedral (called la Cathedrale d'Aix-la-Chapelle in French). This cathedral has been bombed and rebuilt so many times that you can see four types of bricks from the outside. The inside is quite exquisite though.

So I decided, or we decided, that since we're in Germany, it would be wrong not to have a Bratwurst for lunch (or dinner, whichever you should prefer). So we looked for the Bratwurst man who sells his Bratwurst on the shopping street!

He has his whole thing on his hip... I think, and a support bar.

So I got this from the man. It was delicious.

But a shopping trip wouldn't really be complete if I didn't buy something *whacks self for lack of control*. So I'm sorry, mom! I bought flats instead of boots. They were €14,99! ><;;

Yea, I'm going to have trouble packing for home...

Finally, I'll show you a shot of the buses here we have in South Limburg (Limburg is the province)! Veolia Transport is the name, and this is what it looks like.

The construction of this post took a good 3 days to finish. Please be kind and leave me a word. XD

By fishii with 7 comments


Hey, the Cathedral looks great! Got any pictures of the inside? or it's prohibited from photo...

haha are you SURE that is a real hotdog with a real sausage? lol. look where he's preparing it?! but lol, i've seen that somewhere on the net. quite funny.

i'm jealous you get to go to so many places... and also for getting to spend so much time there :)

there's a foot locker! that's so my type of shop to go to. yes, you'll have a hard time packing but it's okay. you can mail stuff home first!

The theatre looks Roman/Greek classical!

A word? Here goes.


Must... have... BRATWURST!

You can always just buy a second suitcase and shoulder those extra luggage charges =D

@kimi: must you do that??? i'm definitely happy to spend this much time here and go to this many places! =D i'm happy to make you jealous too. mwahaha

@pp: yup! footlocker in the background. and yea, i'm contemplating mailing stuff home too...

@bernz: the stock exchange place in brussels looks the same. so weird.

@bumhead: why a word? o.O I'm thinking I'll get you a bratwurst when I go to Oktoberfest. Will eat it for you too =D and you tell mom about that second suitcase idea and see what she has to say about that =)

i was impressed with the man selling bratwurst on the street...if you didn't say, i wouldn't have noticed that ...wow..did he tie the whole set up to himself and not just stood behind the stand??

for birkenstock shoes...jsut a pair of sandals cost 100+ cdn..if you can get it cheaper overthere, pack one extra box back would worth it!! ^_^
anyway, i think it must have been a wonderful experience for you to be able to checkout new places with new friends!!! Cherish the time there:-) i am happy for you.

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