Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prague Part 1

Imagine wandering the streets of gorgeous Prague at 700, then being in class in Maastricht at 1330... what a strange feeling it is! I spent the last weekend in Prague, Czech Republic. It is the wonderful and enchanting city that everyone who has been there make it out to be, a place with an atmosphere that makes you just want to wander around aimlessly while getting lost in the city.

Old Town Square

Perhaps it's the architecture, maybe it's even the way they paint their outer walls in this antiqued wash, but the way that downtown Prague presents itself is absolutely charming. I couldn't find a single reason to dislike it, but then again, I don't think critically unless I have to...

The view from Charles Bridge

Charles Bridge was such an amazing sight under the soft sunlight of late afternoon. With leaves slowly changing colours further into the horizon, it was almost breathtaking. I really could just stand there and stare out into the captivating scenery if I could learn to ignore the noises of the multitudes of tourists behind me. Alas, I couldn't, so I could only be glad that it wasn't peak season for Prague...

More Charles Bridge shots, with the bridge included.

After more nearly-aimless wandering around this marvelous city, my travel buddy, bernZ and I settled on having a famous Czech hotdog. It was good, but I might still prefer my Bratwurst... I can't quite decide.

I forgot to take a photo before I started devouring it...

Ah, I also forgot to mention how impressive Prague looked at night, when everything is lit up. I guess it is a tourist attraction after all?

I can't put a name to this place yet, will update when I can. ^^;;

More Prague stuff to come this week, hopefully!

By fishii with 5 comments


i can't even imagine myself "hanging" out in richmond at 0700 and having class at 1330. jerk.


I believe that building is just a fancy restaurant. Across it is a museum..

Prague really is a beautiful city at night! Were you guys just exploring the city the whole time?

thanks for affirming Prague to be a real charming city, a couple friends of mine live there raising his two girls...he has helped to build a congregation there for international students...

We 've been asked many times to go there to visit them and the city...your glimpse of prague made us want to be there sooner!!! ^_^

I'm going to Prague for exchange next semester! Thanks for this post, Prudence. Glad you are having a great time over there! :)

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