Water Water All Around

and not a drop to drink! My journey to Venezia was an amusing one. I had no idea the trains would be so full that I can't get tickets for the time that I needed... So how did I get there and what did I see?

Staying in A/C is Not Ideal for Travelling

Shanghai was hot, scorching hot. What is someone who melts in any sort of heat to do? Shopping, I guess.

Winter Wonderland: Whistler

Whistler does seem to have a longer "winter" than does home. If we got a foot of snow dumped on the ground the day before, we'd be stuck at home for a week. Luckily, that's not the case in Whistler.

Roma, Roma-ma

My flight to Rome from Eindhoven was cancelled courtesy of horrible weather, so I embarked on a 20 hour train ride instead. I don't regret being stubborn and spending a fortune on those train tickets, though. The Roman experience was more than worth it.

Bits of Germany 2

Germany is a large country, but Bavaria is supposed to have the most beautiful scenery of all. Schloss Neuschwanstein and Garmisch-P has more than convinced me. See for yourself!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Hells of Japan

Though unfortunately, the hells of Japan may be further up in the North Eastern region at the moment. Yes, you just heard the sound of heartbreak.

Anyway, so I'm now travelling way back in time to mid August of 2010. For those who don't know, this was my 4th visit to Japan in 5 years, and no, I never seem to get tired of it because each Japanese city presents an entirely different charm to seduce you into returning. That, and delicious food. 

But I've already posted about food extensively here, so I'm not going to repeat myself... too much. 

Probably somewhere in Oita while the train speeds by

I swear, the Japanese countryside has some of the most mesmerising views. I love looking out the window while the fields and "toy houses" pass me by. Rooftops are often adorned by the same type of tiles, I guess that's why they give off that distinctively Japanese feeling. 

Sooooo big

Beppu is an expensive place to stay, and we were too late to try and book a minshuku  (民宿). My English is failing me again, stupid Japanese. We got this place at about $120 a night, which I guess was reasonable considering the gorgeous view and location.

The sea! THE SEA!!!

Look at all those yachts.

I love looking at the sea, I realised, and it always brought it such comfortable breezes at night. I don't have that many photos of this town, but it was littered with hot springs of all kinds. You have the common ones where it's a stone-lined pool of sorts, there was a sand bath where you get buried in sand (you get a special bath robe called yukata for that). Health benefits are probably debatable (the Japanese claim near miraculous things with them), but the sheer comfort isn't. There needs to be more hot springs here.

Just some residential area near one of the springs we visited.

The two of us decided not to visit the 7 Hells of Beppu (little brother insisted that no geysers are going to beat the ones at Yellowstone National Park). So nothing to show there. One day, though, we'll return to this beautiful southern island of Japan and I may insist on going just to try the Hell Eggs (they're supposed to be steamed to perfection).

Toyo tsune.

Remember how I mentioned that Toyo tsune is really busy ? You probably don't because it's been months since I posted about it I just wanted a photo to show for it. 

By fishii with 1 comment

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Winter Wonderland: Whistler

Whistler does seem to have a longer "winter" than does home. If we got a foot of snow dumped on the ground the day before, we'd be stuck at home for a week. Luckily, that's not the case in Whistler.

I love the sun on snowy days

We arrived in Whistler at around 9AM for a full day of riding in the fresh powder. Super lucky, because a local said that day had the best conditions of the whole season. 7 of us getting stuck in powder because it was literally ankle (and sometimes knee) deep. One of our skiers lost his ski, and it literally took 5 people digging around in powder for about 10 minutes to locate it. He also did a little flip when he lost the ski, honestly didn't know if I should laugh or be scared for him, but he's just full of epic fail when he's on skis (should just stick to snowboard).

the amazing view keeps me busy while queuing.

near the top of the mountain! jaw-dropping-gorgeous.

The sun was hiding behind the clouds, and it even started snowing later in the day, but it was all worth it. I want to go snowboarding so bad.

snowy night-view from our room

Anyway, we stayed the night just so we could do another day of riding, unfortunately, my muscles aren't trained that way... so my twinnie and I went snowtubing for our first time! It was quite exhilarating. I took some videos while going down the run.

can you see the ditches?

Just in case you haven't noticed, I didn't use my Nikon. It would've been difficult to snowboard with it (plus... my skill level...)

three person ski? anyone care to explain?

While walking around town, we also saw a three-person-ski... thing. It was super weird, they couldn't move around and needed someone to push them. Eventually, they seem to have gotten the hang of it (one-two-one-two!).

We ended our trip when the gondolas and chairs closed for the day. Hockey commentators were shouting into their microphones on our ride back. Our trip was definitely complete.

I don't feel like I'm writing a travel blog, it just feels like a blog =.=;;

By fishii with 1 comment