Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I was too busy sightseeing and having fun in Fukuoka, so I’ve neglected keeping everyone update. Sorry~ m(_ _)m
I’ll maybe upload more photos when I set up a Picasa account or something, since my flickr is over limit…
Then we headed over to a shopping mall called Canal City, named because it has a small flow of water going through the centre of the mall. I love shopping and all, but this mall might be more of a tourist attraction than a shopping centre to me. That or I didn’t want to shop on my first day in Japan. ^^;; Guilt trip anyone? Anyway, there were cool performances happening, I really enjoyed my time there.
I think I’ve already mentioned dinner for that night. I’m just a little tired from the flight to Amsterdam, I’ll continue catching up another day. Maastricht is a nice place, so hopefully I’ll get to post about it soon. I also apologize for the hideous layouts. XD
Waaaa, canal city looks pretty! I wonder how venice looks in comparison..
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