I must first apologize that it's difficult to read. i finished laying it out on photoshop before i realized blogspot resizes the stuff i upload, so now it's difficult to read (that or i'm just incompetent, which is highly probable). Hopefully you can still read it, because i'm too lazy to extract everything back onto blogspot... the photos look crummy now =(
Edit: You can view a clearer version here.

Ahhhhhh so pretty!!!! Good to hear you have the room to yourself for now ^^ hope you enjoy your roomate's company/she doesn't have a lot of luggage haha.
You should really think about how you're going to pack your stuff on your way back... that one luggage limit will be horrible on you >< you already had trouble leaving HK!!! ><
guess what... i saw someone wearing a maastricht university sweater today on the skytrain and i thought of you... not like i don't think of you at all lately because it seems like you've been gone forever :(
now i have to find new friends to play with and it's all your fault.
p.s. maastricht look nice.... so european-like :)
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