Monday, August 9, 2010

Jiu Fen

I was going to make a post on this wonderful teahouse in Jiu Fen (九份), about how their service is absolutely stunning, how they teach you how to brew the tea in the perfect way, and how their cheesecake is delicious, but I found a post that's already floating around on the internet! I wouldn't be able to describe it better than them, so I'll just lead you right over to their blog. I'll supplement it slightly with a photo of my own, I guess.
(Sorry, you'll be plagued with my bad photography...)

The teahouse was really traditional in all senses, and it offered a good view if you chose to sit on the balcony... bu tI didn't, so there isn't much I can talk about in terms of the view. However, because Jiu Fen is situated higher up on the mountain, the view is quite captivating, to say the least. You can see layers and layers of mountains melting into the horizon. Picturesque is as close as I can get to describing it.

Another thing that I really enjoyed in this little town...? of Jiu Fen was the taro balls! I have this thing for all things sweet and glutinous (and thus fattening =.=;;) and taro balls are both of those! I went to the one that's supposed to be the "original" called Lai Ah Po Taro Balls (賴阿婆芋圓). It was good, they put lots of ice in it, but the beans make the melted ice sweet and perfect for a hot summer day.

That was pretty much all the exciting food stuff for today? I have nothing much to say, do I? I wanted to mention that Super Junior (yes, again) can be seen quite often, with their large posters at 1/5 of all CD stores here. Arnold reported that he heard the new song on the streets, over the sounds of construction. Too bad I missed it that time. I also really enjoy hearing songs that I know everywhere. It's fun!

Oh did anyone else know that Show Luo is an international mega star? No? I didn't either.

By fishii with No comments


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